Terms and conditions of sale

Terms and Conditions


To be valid, the reservation must be accompanied by all of the following:

  • A deposit equal to 30 % of the rental price. By express agreement between the parties, it is agreed that this sum is paid as a deposit, and not as a deposit.
  • The initialled and signed rental contract.

The balance of the rental price must be paid 30 days before the start of the holiday.

If the balance is not paid 30 days before the tenant's arrival date, the agency reserves the right to cancel the holiday. In this case, the deposit will be returned to the tenant if the property is rented out again on the same dates at the same price, but a cancellation fee will be charged.

For bookings made less than 30 days before the start of the holiday, full payment is required at the time of booking. 

All our prices are in Swiss francs, inclusive of all taxes, and include administration fees, rent and service charges. 

The lessee undertakes to take possession of the premises on the dates and at the times specified in the contract.

The keys will not be handed over until the deposit has been paid (the amount depends on the type of flat), any additional services booked (optional extras) have been paid for, and the tourist tax has been paid.

If the deposit is stipulated as "cashed" on this contract, it must be paid at the same time as the balance of the rental one month before arrival.

The rental price does not include :

  • Tourist tax (rate per day and per person, depending on locality)
  • All ancillary services: airport transfers, ski equipment, ski passes and more.
  • Any bank charges are payable by the customer. (For credit card payments exceeding a total of CHF 5,000, bank charges of 1.5% of the amount collected will be invoiced).


The agency issues a rental offer by any means, including any form of advertising.

The rental contract is only validly formed after confirmation of the rental by the agency, which will take place within one month of payment of the deposit. If, at the end of this period, the agency has not confirmed the rental, the deposit will be returned immediately and the reservation will be considered null and void.


All cancellations must be made in writing and are effective from the date of receipt by the agency. Only letters and e-mails will be considered. For Saturdays, Sundays and other public holidays, the next working day applies.

In the event of cancellation by the hirer, the following conditions will apply:

  • From the date of booking to 61 days before arrival: the deposit is not returned to the tenant.
  • From 60 to 31 days before arrival: 75% of the stay will be charged to the tenant.
  • From 30 days before the arrival date or in case of no-show at the beginning of the stay: 100% of the stay will be charged to the tenant.

In the event of cancellation for good reason, and if the property is re-let by us, the amount paid may be refunded to the tenant who is unable to honour the contract. Any stay cut short or interrupted by the tenant will not entitle him/her to any refund.

If the agency finds itself obliged to cancel the stay in the accommodation provided, due to the actions of third parties or external circumstances, it will, if possible, provide accommodation of the same category, without additional charge. Otherwise, it undertakes to reimburse all sums paid immediately.


Cancellation insurance can be taken out for the holiday. This will incur an additional charge, the conditions of which will be sent to the customer on request, if applicable.

All objects or personal effects belonging to the tenant are the tenant's own responsibility.

As far as the rented property is concerned, the lessee is responsible for any damage he or she causes. The lessee will therefore be required to take out insurance against the risks of theft, fire, glass breakage and water damage. More generally, he must take out insurance cover for all rental risks and for the rented furniture, as well as for recourse by neighbours, and must be able to provide proof of this on simple request by the owner or his agent. Consequently, the latter decline all responsibility for any recourse that their insurance company may exercise against the lessee in the event of a claim.


Goods and chattels shall only be subject to depreciation due to the normal use for which they are intended.

The security deposit is paid to cover any damage to the rented property.

The security deposit paid by the tenant will be kept until the inventory of fixtures carried out by the agency after the customer's departure. It may be cashed.

The security deposit must be paid at the latest when the keys to the rented property are handed over, either by credit card or by bank transfer, in the amount indicated in the special terms and conditions of the contract.

It will be returned within a maximum of two weeks after the tenant's departure, after deduction of the cost of restoring the premises if any damage is found.

If the security deposit is insufficient to cover the cost of any damage, the tenant undertakes to pay the balance on first request.


A surcharge of up to 20 % (on the price excluding VAT) may be added to our concierge services (taxi transfers, cleaning, etc.).

The re-invoicing by CosyHome of services benefiting from a reduced rate of VAT will necessarily result in a change of VAT to the standard rate*, except for services subject to disbursement.

* On 1 January 2024, the standard rate of VAT will be 8.1 %.


Certain additional services subject to a reduced rate of VAT are provided to you as disbursements. As an intermediary, CosyHome is mandated by its customer to purchase, at a reduced rate of VAT, the product or service (ski passes, ESF ski lessons) from the company concerned. This is a reimbursement of expenses on behalf of someone else, and the intermediary CosyHome does not have to charge VAT on the sums reimbursed by the principal. CosyHome does not charge a margin and the service is purchased at the public price displayed at the service provider's checkout.


Unless otherwise indicated, each tenant must report to the agency on arrival and will then be directed to the rented property.

  • Rentals start at 5pm.
  • Any late arrival, i.e. after 7 p.m., must be notified to the agency before 12 p.m. in order to organise a late arrival. The agency will not be able to organise an arrival after midnight.


  • On the day of departure, the accommodation must be vacated by 11.00 a.m., when the keys are handed over.
  • Any delayed departure not confirmed by the agency will be billed at between CHF 100/hour and CHF 1,000/hour, depending on the property rented (flat or chalet).
  • Full payment of the end-of-stay invoice must be made no later than the day before the tenant's departure (i.e. Friday), as the agency is open from 9.00 am to 6.30 pm.
  • Any key, remote control or beeper not returned will be invoiced at the purchase price.


The duration of the stay is specified in the special conditions of this contract. Under no circumstances may the tenant remain on the premises after this period, unless with the prior agreement of the agency, in return for an additional fee, which will be set pro rata to the price of the stay.

The tenant declares on his honour that he does not exercise or seek to exercise any profession in the rented premises and that the premises covered by this contract are rented to him only as a temporary residence, essential conditions without which this lease would not have been granted.


The inventory of fixtures and fittings, both on arrival and on departure, will be carried out unilaterally by the agency before the arrival and after the departure of the tenant. As this inventory is not carried out in the presence of both parties, the tenant will have 12 hours in which to make any complaints. Once this period has elapsed, the rented property will be deemed to have been free of damage on arrival and will be accepted as it is. 


  • To occupy the rented building, which is privately owned, on a commercial basis. The tenant undertakes to use the building only on a temporary basis. The building will under no circumstances be the tenant's principal or secondary residence, and the tenant will not carry on any professional, craft or commercial activity there.
  • The lessee undertakes to take the rented premises in the condition in which they are when he/she takes possession of them, as described in the description of this contract.

  • Occupy the chalet or flat in such a way as not to cause any nuisance to the neighbours, in particular by avoiding any noise or other nuisance.

  • The lessee undertakes to use the furniture and furnishings of the leased property in accordance with their purpose and in the places where they are located. He/she is formally prohibited from transporting them outside the rented premises.

  • Occupy the premises personally and not sublet them under any circumstances, even free of charge, nor assign its rights under this agreement without the agency's consent. The tenant must live in the rented premises on a regular basis and may not, under any circumstances, store any furnishings there, with the exception of linen and small items.

  • Keep the premises in good condition during your stay.

  • Do not bring in any animals, unless authorised by the agency, which will seek the owner's prior agreement at an additional cost.

  • Notify the agency of any minor maintenance work it may have noticed.

  • Allow any urgent work to be carried out. If the work is due to deterioration attributable to the tenant, the tenant will be billed for it.

  • The tenant is responsible for the destruction or deterioration of any object made available to him as an accessory to the building, as well as for any damage that may be caused to the building and its installations, in particular by abnormal use of electrical and heating appliances, or by the blocking of toilets, washbasins, baths or sinks by objects likely to block the drains. In the event of suspected deterioration, the agency representative will have access to the rented property in order to carry out any necessary inspections.

  • In the case of rental in a building, the lessees shall comply, as occupants of the premises, with the building's internal regulations, which they acknowledge having read.


The agency undertakes to provide the property and its accessories as described in the description received at the time of booking and to comply with the obligations arising from this contract.

The agency is not responsible for any irregularity in the water, heating or lighting services, or for the opening of snow-covered roads, and generally declines all liability for any lack of enjoyment that is not its fault.


Any complaint relating to a service must be addressed to the agency within 24 hours of moving in.

If the hirer waives one or more of the services included in the package, the agency cannot reimburse the hirer or make any compensation.

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